Public consultation

What is ecobeautyscore?
The EcoBeautyScore initiative is a collaboration of over 70 cosmetics industry stakeholders who have joined forces to develop an industry-wide environmental impact assessment and scoring system for cosmetic products, open to all manufacturers of cosmetic products, all over the world, on a voluntary basis.
The EcoBeautyScore Association ambition is to deliver a harmonized industry scoring system in order to provide consumers with clear, transparent, and comparable environmental impact information.
Why this public consultation?
The aim of this public consultation was to provide all relevant stakeholders with the opportunity to review and comment on the EcoBeautyScore methodology and scoring system and contribute their observations before the EcoBeautyScore methodologies are finalized and are launched on the market for a selection of product categories (including shampoo and face moisturizers).
Thank you to all Public Consultation participants for your time in reviewing the EcoBeautyScore methodology and supporting the improvement of EcoBeautyScore work.
More than 170 comments were received through this public consultation for more than 40 stakeholders. This Public Consultation has therefore generated insightful content for the future of EcoBeautyScore, each feedback representing opportunity to improve EcoBeautyScore work and a valuable insight to shape EcoBeautyScore future roadmap and development priorities.
All comments received during that period have been analysed :
A summary of stakeholders feedback and responses is now published and available below, as well as a document detailing all feedback and their respective answers.
The second stage of the Public Consultation, for which those who contributed to first stage had the opportunity to assess how their comments have been adequately addressed, is now closed. We have acknowledged their feedback for further work of EcoBeautyScore.

The Public Consultation is global with a specific focus on Europe
It is planned that the EcoBeautyScore will initially be launched across Europe in 2024, therefore the public consultation had a particular focus on this region, although we have welcomed comments from the cosmetics’ ecosystem globally.
In order to have the largest reach, several national and regional trade associations were contacted so that they can reach out to their members and relevant stakeholders and so that global cosmetics stakeholders are made aware and can send their comments as part of this first consultation process.
At this stage, all documents will only be available in English.
To the extent necessary, prior to the EcoBeautyScore being launched in other countries and regions outside the EU, additional targeted consultations may be planned.
Documents for review – First round
Executive summary
EBS Guiding principles and methodologies
Documents for review – Second round
EBS Public Consultation first round Report
EBS Public Consultation first round – detailed answers
Webinars presenting EcoBeautyScore methodologies have been organized
The EcoBeautyScore Project Management Team has run a webinar where experts explained the development of the methodologies. You can find the webinar deck added in the documents list below.
Live webinar – First Round
Documents for information
Legal Notice