our Work
The EcoBeautyScore Association work is based on
four pillars.

A science-based method
for measuring environmental impacts throughout the life cycle of products, based on the principles of the European Union’s PEF scientific method.

A database
of environmental impacts of standard ingredients and raw materials used in formulas and packaging.

A harmonized scoring system
containing a score range enabling the consumer to easily compare products.

A tool
usable by non-experts, that enables each brand to calculate the environmental impact of individual products and the associated scoring.
The EcoBeautyScore
Consortium timeline
Consortium framework
Definition of the technical framework and Consortium’s governance
Jan 2022
Start of the methodological work, communication and recruitment
Consortium work
Continuous work on the footprinting and scoring methodologies. Recruitment continues.
First prototype
Additional developments
Tool, methodology and database further developments and refinements